IBM-Lenovo Thinkpad R40 [Linux Laptop Wiki] - This is a guide to running Linux with the IBM-Lenovo Thinkpad R40 laptop. This guide is intended to provide you details ...
Linux on the ThinkPad R40 - Wake Forest University Information about installing Linux on the IBM ThinkPad R40.
T is putting Linux on an IBM ThinkPad R40 - OoCities Introduction. On this page I have tried to document my experiences in running Linux on an IBM ThinkPad R40.
[SOLVED] Selecting a linux distro for an old laptop (IBM ThinkPad ... hello guys, i got given an old IBM think pad R40 laptop with a broken HDD and im looking for a linux ...
Linux on the ThinkPad R40 - LUTH - Observatoire de Paris Linux on the IBM ThinkPad R40 laptop. with the Mandriva 2006 distribution. 5 December 2005 ...
[ubuntu] Ubuntu on IBM Thinkpad R40 - Ubuntu ... Please, i have startet to Linux usser and need ur helps, my laptop ....... IBM Thinkpad R40 512mb ram ...
SuSE Linux 9.1 on an IBM Thinkpad R40 :: 12 Nov 2007 ... This page documents my experiences installing, configuring and using SuSE Linux 9.1 on an IBM ...
ThinkPad R40 - ThinkPad R40 ... 98SE, Windows 2000, Solaris 9, RedHat Linux 9 and later Fedora Core 2 to co-exist rather nicely.
Installation instructions for the ThinkPad R40 - ThinkWiki 29 Jan 2006 ... Allin Cottrell's Linux on a ThinkPad R40 page · William Waddinton's ThinkPad R40 page · a Wiki with ...
What is a VERY basic linux distro that will run smoothly on a IBM ... 19 Jan 2014 ... You can try Puppy Linux. .... didn't want all the extra packages) on a Thinkpad R40 circa '03 and it runs ...